Dr. Michael Selbst (Executive Director of Behavior Therapy Associates) recently delivered a webinar at the Fall 2020 Virtual Parent Empowerment Conference (hosted by Hinkle, Prior, & Fischer). Please click the link below to view the webinar in its entirety.
There are thousands of books on parenting available; yet, why is it so difficult to parent effectively and with confidence? The answer is clearer when we consider that there is an infinite number of moving parts, including our own mood, expectations, parenting style, history, inconsistent behavior, and patience. This is compounded when there is another parent or caregiver involved. Additionally, each child is unique, and there is no “book” written specifically for your child. Parents strive to exemplify and model for their children appropriate self-control, problem-solving, wise decision-making, and kindness; yet, this is extremely challenging, especially during the continued uncertainties in this world. Dr. Selbst shares a compassionate approach to parenting, including ways to develop greater mindfulness and flexibility to continually become the parent you want be. Concrete strategies are included.