Ashley M. Zultanky Psy.D. | Behavior Therapy Associates, P.A.
Recently, the BBC published an article on procrastination and its relationship to poor management of emotions. The current research suggests that individuals tend to avoid tasks that make them feel bad in favor of activities that immediately improve their mood. This cycle of avoidance in favor of less challenging and more preferred tasks may lead to poor emotional regulation across other situations. In order to change this pattern, it is important to become more aware of, acknowledge, and accept your thoughts and emotions and focus on committing to specific actions consistent with your values. Dr. Ashley Zultanky provides some commentary on this issue, as well as strategies to increase vitality and psychological flexibility.
Ashley M. Zultanky, Psy.D. is a clinical psychology Post-Doctoral Fellow at Behavior Therapy Associates and is a Certified School Psychologist in New Jersey. Dr. Zultanky has experience treating children through adults individually and in groups. She has extensive training in neuropsychological, psychological, and psychoeducational assessment of a variety of populations, including learning disability, ADHD, neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy, tumor, and traumatic brain injury. She has experience with individuals presenting with a variety of issues, including at least the following: depression, anxiety, adjustment issues, ADHD, social skills difficulties, academic and learning difficulties, developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, anger issues, complicated bereavement, chronic illness, and history of trauma and substance abuse. She also leads social skills training groups for a variety of ages. Dr. Zultanky also has specialized experience in the areas of sport psychology, performance-related difficulties, and executive functioning.